"The midwives were great listeners and supportive. I loved that the midwives were as hands on or hands off as the situation required in my labor because they knew me so well by the end of my pregnancy."
- McCulloch February 2014
Direct-Entry Midwife (DEM)
A midwife who entered her midwifery training directly, without first attending nursing school.
A midwife who trained as a midwife after first becoming a registered nurse.
Certified Professional Midwife (CPM)
The national certification for direct-entry midwives.
Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM)
The national certification for nurse-midwives.
Licensed Direct-Entry Midwife (LDEM)
A direct-entry midwife licensed to practice by the State of Utah. In Utah, licensure for direct-entry midwives is optional. All of BetterBirth's direct-entry midwives are either licensed or working toward licensure. Licensure is required to practice as a CNM in Utah.